(This post is a part of a MOOC on Minecraft in Education (starting 26th of January 2015) and that's why it's written in English.)
Minecraft has grown into a phenomenon on all majar platforms that can host a game, but I only have experience with the PC version. However I have watched one of my nephews impressing me with great stuff on his tablet,
My facination for the game started when my brother invited me to one of his LANs, where we ended up spending almost the entire evening mining and digging and building and digging. This lead me into watching a couple of amazing YouTube videos of insane building projects making me think of the joy my kids at school would have with this.
The PC/MAC version
is the most advanced and the full version of the game, allowing the players to use ALL the blocks, unlimited choices within adding modifications to the game, and allowing you to join open online multiplayer servers. Only your servertool or machinepark will limit the number of players joining in at the same time, allowing extensive building projects in class, or outside of class.
Console versions
are limited to the console they belong to. These versions are at least a year or two behind the PC version of the game. It limits the amount of players, and do not allow players to connect in the free way they do in the PC version. It's a much more closed system, limiting the players to the prefered console. It does however allows you to save pretty big worlds, beeing able to create extensive projects here as well.
Since a console is rarely an educational tool, using this version in class in unlikely.
Tablet/phone versions.
Even more limited, both when it comes to blocks, collaboration and saving. A big pluss however is the increasing implementation of these gadgets into the classroom. Cheaper, and with the phones players might even bring their own game into the classroom.
It still allows the players to create, share and show off their creation as a presentation.
Raspberry Pi
is an exciting little version that I had not heard about before this course. It is a stripped down version of the game used as an educational tool for novice programming skills. It's avaible for free, but only to Rapsberry Pi owners.
is a modification meant to help the teacher control their students in an easier and more accessable way. It tear down some "unclimable walls" for less computer skilled teachers, allowing them to do commands, normally done in the command centre/chat, by simly clicking some buttons.
It's also a bit intoxicating for a teacher, who is given the 3 great superpowers.
FREEZE the students when you want them to listen.
BE INVISABLE when you want to observe
Other great additions are the ability to quickly MOVE/TELEPORT all students in an easy way.
The mod also gives you some building superpowers that makes building structures for your maps a lot quicker than you could using the Vanilla version (no mods)
As an in-class game, I would never trade away my MinecrafEdu for any other version. The only downside to it is that it only allows you to use FORGE mods. Since it is a mod, it will also be a bit behind the "vanilla" verison when it comes to updates, but way more updated than the console/tablet versions.
There is also an economic side to MCEDU, where licenses is about half the price it would be using the vanilla version, but a bit more expensive than the tablet/console versions of the game.
tirsdag 27. januar 2015
fredag 2. januar 2015
Neste prosjekt ut er et filmprosjekt om livet jernalderen.
6.klassingene har fra før av laget en fortelling med utgangspunkt i jernalderen, og nå skal vi prøve å lage en animasjonsfilm ut av det.
Vi starter med å innhente et landskap som skal minne om norsk natur fra en verden noen allerede har laget der ute. Vi finner et fjell med gressletter i bunn og vips så er tonen satt.
Etter første gjennomlesning av historien fant vi ut at vi måtte gjøre følgende modifikasjoner på landskapet for at det skulle passe historien:
- mer skog
- jernaldergård
- langhus
- bygdeborg
-2 konkurrerende landsbyer/langhus
Vi fikk 10 timer i Kunst og håndverk til å fullføre prosjeket, noe jeg visste ville bli for lite. Men med UKM 2015 i tankene gikk elevene inn for det med hud og hår. De var innstillt på ettermiddagsarbeid for å få alt på plass.
Planen ble etterhvert utvidet til å også skulle inkludere filmmusikk, og stemmeskuespill, noe som gjorde det enda mer krevende.
Se undervisingsopplegget her.
6.klassingene har fra før av laget en fortelling med utgangspunkt i jernalderen, og nå skal vi prøve å lage en animasjonsfilm ut av det.
Vi starter med å innhente et landskap som skal minne om norsk natur fra en verden noen allerede har laget der ute. Vi finner et fjell med gressletter i bunn og vips så er tonen satt.
Etter første gjennomlesning av historien fant vi ut at vi måtte gjøre følgende modifikasjoner på landskapet for at det skulle passe historien:
- mer skog
- jernaldergård
- langhus
- bygdeborg
-2 konkurrerende landsbyer/langhus
Vi fikk 10 timer i Kunst og håndverk til å fullføre prosjeket, noe jeg visste ville bli for lite. Men med UKM 2015 i tankene gikk elevene inn for det med hud og hår. De var innstillt på ettermiddagsarbeid for å få alt på plass.
Planen ble etterhvert utvidet til å også skulle inkludere filmmusikk, og stemmeskuespill, noe som gjorde det enda mer krevende.
Se undervisingsopplegget her.
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